A Chara,
The 2025 suicide prevention training schedule for the South East Regional Suicide Resource Office is now online and bookings can be made by visiting https://bookwhen.com/sro or by scanning the QR code below. We would ask that you only book a training place if you are certain you can attend on that date and in that county, this is so we can avoid reduced numbers on the day of training. While the training is free to you as a participant, it is delivered at a cost to the HSE.
The 2025 suicide prevention training schedule for the South East Regional Suicide Resource Office is now online and bookings can be made by visiting https://bookwhen.com/sro or by scanning the QR code below. We would ask that you only book a training place if you are certain you can attend on that date and in that county, this is so we can avoid reduced numbers on the day of training. While the training is free to you as a participant, it is delivered at a cost to the HSE.
If you have any questions in relation to any of the trainings, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or on the office number below. Feel free to share this information with anyone interested in attending.
Kind Regards,
Niamh O’Gorman
Oifigeach Forbartha agus Oiliúna | Development and Training Officer
Oifig Acmhainní Féinmharaithe Réigiúnach FSS, Bloc Tosaigh, Cúraim Chónaithe Phort Láirge, Bealach Phádraig Port Láirge X91 KX25
The HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office, Front Block, Waterford Residential Care Centre, St Patrick's Way, Waterford X91 KX25
Oifig Acmhainní Féinmharaithe Réigiúnach FSS, Bloc Tosaigh, Cúraim Chónaithe Phort Láirge, Bealach Phádraig Port Láirge X91 KX25
The HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office, Front Block, Waterford Residential Care Centre, St Patrick's Way, Waterford X91 KX25
niamh.ogorman1@hse.ie |051 874013 | www.connectingforlifesoutheast.ie